
  • Purpose
  • FY26 Grant Documents
  • Grant Important Dates
  • Application Assistance


Our grant program provides financial assistance to cities, counties, non-profits, businesses, schools and individuals for:

  1. Developing new or improved programs that further the recycling and waste reduction efforts of the district;
  2. Projects using materials made from post-consumer resources solid waste management and reduction activities in the District or affecting the District
  3. District-wide projects incorporating education and technical assistance to increase waste reduction services and collected volumes of targeted materials

FY2026 Grant Documents

  • FY26 Application Guidelines – Complete description of grant program and application
  • FY26 Application – Applicants must complete their application using our fillable PDF form
  • FY26 Grant Scoring Criteria – These criteria will be used to score applications and inform recommendations for approval
  • Missouri’s Policy on Resource Recovery

Grant Final Application Due Scoring Board Approval
Small projects TBDTBDTBD
District-wide projects TBD TBD TBD

Individual Assistance:

  • Email Hayley Howard at to schedule an application meeting or to ask questions.
  • Call Hayley Howard at 816-393-5250 to schedule an application meeting or to ask questions.